Priority Points Program
Priority Points Program
As our student-athletes continue to grow, improve and excel on and off the field, we must increase our efforts in areas critical to our mission of developing student-athletes to their fullest potential.
As part of that commitment, the new Razorback Priority Points Program will ensure that our members are rewarded for their generosity, loyalty and continued support in a fair, equitable and positive manner. The program is based on a formula designed to allocate tickets, parking and other benefits by awarding points to Foundation members for capital and Annual Fund gifts along with consecutive years of giving while also recognizing the contributions of all former Razorback student-athletes.
Why Priority Points
The Razorback Priority Points Program was created for three reasons:
- To recognize loyal members of the Foundation who have given consecutively over the years, increased their Annual Fund gifts, made capital or endowed gifts and supported other areas of Razorback Athletics
- To improve fairness, equity and transparency in the allocation of tickets, parking and other benefits for Razorback Foundation members
- To help Foundation members obtain available seats and other benefits that coincide with their Annual Fund gifts and overall contributions to the Razorback Foundation
What It Means For Our Members
At its core, the Razorback Priority Points Program is designed to further recognize our members' commitment to Razorback Athletics, honoring and rewarding their generous financial support and passion over the years. The program encourages consistency and transparency in the allocation of member benefits by assigning point values to several categories of giving to the Razorback Foundation: consecutive years of giving, Annual Fund gifts and all other contributions. The program also recognizes all former Razorback student-athletes for their efforts in competition and in the classroom at the University of Arkansas.
The points from each giving category are combined to create a point total, which is then used to rank each member within their Annual Fund membership class. Put simply, the higher a member's priority point total or rank within their member class, the better access they will have to preferred seating, parking and other benefits offered by the Razorback Foundation.
How Priority Points Work
Determining Your Priority Points
Priority Points are awarded based on available data from the Razorback Foundation and are only awarded for payments received, not pledges.
Each giving category is assigned a specific point value which is added to each member's point total. Your point values from each category will be combined to create your point total, or rank. Rank is defined as your point total within your Annual Fund membership class. This point total will increase annually based on the criteria below.
Former Razorback Student-Athlete
25 points, one-time
All former student-athletes at the University of Arkansas will be awarded 25 points, one time.
Annual Fund Gifts
1 point per $100
As the most critical factor in the Razorback Priority Points Program, gifts to the Annual Fund receive the highest point-to-donation ratio for current Annual Fund members. Annual Fund gifts also determine your membership class and are the lifeblood of the Razorback Foundation, allowing us to assist student-athletes by funding scholarships, updating facilities and providing program enhancements. Annual Fund gifts are any gifts that have been specifically paid to baseball, football, men's basketball, men's Olympic sports and women's sports.
$81,000 of total lifetime giving to the Annual Fund = 810 Priority Points
Consecutive Years of Giving to the Annual Fund
5 points per consecutive year
Our student-athletes rely on the continued support of our members. To reward members' loyalty and longevity, five points are awarded for each consecutive year of giving to the Annual Fund since 1980. It is important to understand that if a member's giving lapsed at any point in the past or if giving lapses in the future, points for consecutive years of giving will not be awarded for years prior to the lapse. Instead, the points will be re-calculated from the time a member re-joined the Razorback Foundation with a gift to the Annual Fund.
15 years of consecutive giving to the Annual Fund = 75 Priority Points
Cardinal & White Gifts (2x and 3x the points!)
2 points per $100 on gifts between $25,000 and $99,999 (payable over 5 years)
3 points per $100 on gifts of $100,000+ (payable over 5 years)
$25,000 = 500 points and $150,000 = 4,500 points
Priority Points and Benefit Allocation
The extraordinary enthusiasm of the Razorback faithful inspires our teams in the pursuit of excellence in the classroom and in competition. This dedication to the Razorbacks is so strong, in fact, that the demand for premium seating and parking often outweighs the capacity of our facilities. The Razorback Priority Points Program was developed to distribute these limited resources consistently and fairly among Razorback Foundation members.
Annual Fund membership class and rank within each class will determine how the following benefits will be allocated:
- Season Ticket Priority (new/additional season tickets, upgrades, suites)
- Parking Priority
- Away/Neutral Site Game Ticket Priority
- Postseason Ticket Priority (bowl game, SEC and NCAA tournaments, etc.)
- Other Razorback Foundation Benefits
To allocate available tickets, parking and other benefits, current Foundation members will be ranked from highest to lowest within their Annual Fund membership class. Based on the order below, available benefits will then be assigned to each member in their respective class:
- Broyles-Matthews Diamond ($40,000+)
- Broyles-Matthews Platinum ($20,000-$39,999)
- Broyles-Matthews Gold ($10,000-$19,999)
- Broyles-Matthews Silver ($5,000-$9,999)
- Super Hog ($3,000-$4,999)
- Wild Hog ($2,000-$2,999)
- Tush Hog ($1,000-$1,999)
- Big Hog ($500-$999)
- Big Red ($100-$499)
- Razorback ($50-$99)
Important Note – Priority points and rankings are subject to change daily based on gifts received by the Razorback Foundation. For ticket, parking and other benefit allocation purposes, your membership class, accrued points and rank will be “locked” at certain times during the year. A time line designating ticket and parking allocation deadlines for each sport, and a point lock date, will be distributed to all Razorback Foundation members on a per-event basis.
Priority Seating and Parking
Acquiring new or additional season tickets and/or upgrading existing season tickets will be evaluated using the Razorback Priority Points Program in conjunction with the previously established Razorback Foundation guidelines for season ticket holders.
All available parking is allocated using the Razorback Priority Points Program.
Postseason, Single, Away and Neutral Site Tickets
Available postseason, single game, away game and neutral site game tickets are determined by the Razorback Priority Points Program. At times, tickets to these games are exceptionally limited, so membership class and rank within membership class will be key to obtaining tickets.
Request for Review
Current Razorback Foundation members will receive a Priority Point Statement periodically which includes current available priority points based on payments received.
Future statements will also include each member's rank within their respective membership level.
If you feel your initial statement is incorrect, download the Request for Review form, complete and return it and any supporting documentation to the Razorback Foundation. The Foundation staff will review your request and respond within two to four weeks.
Download Request and Review form PDFFAQ
Click here to view some of the most frequently asked questions about the Priority Points Program.